Critical SSDP Hearing

The SSDP hearing for ELST Segment 2B begins on Friday, November 3 at City Hall. This hearing is a project permit hearing at which both the County and City will present their cases without cross examination. Public comment will commence at 1pm on the first day of the hearing with the hearing examiner estimating the number of comments to be made each day. The City is expecting a large turnout with additional off-site parking made available for the hearing.

The hearing examiner, John Galt, will make his decision based on the law and the testimony from the County, City, and public comment. Mr. Galt is a very thorough examiner who will read everything previously presented, including earlier public comment.

King County’s responses to individual public comment has been posted on the City’s website:

The responses are in a spreadsheet that can be searched. With the font being very small and the search tool being difficult to use on the website, SHO recommends that you download the file to search it on your computer. If you want to comment on a King County response, whether positive or negative, you need to sign up to make your comment at the hearing.

The sign-up sheet for public comment will be available at 9am on the morning of November 3 at City Hall. Comments will be heard in the order of this sheet. As stated above, the hearing examiner will estimate who will be able to comment on the first day. Thus, if you are not among whose who will be able to comment on the first day, you do not have to listen to others comment while waiting for your turn. The same process will be used for the remaining days of the hearing. Remember that your comment will be limited to 3 minutes unless you represent a recognized community organization when 5 minutes will be allowed.

SHO recommends that everyone be courteous and respectful of the hearing process. You are trying to convince Mr. Galt to make decisions in your favor. Thus, talking against the County or even the City during your comment is unlikely to be persuasive; stick to the facts and offer options to achieve your objectives.

The complete procedures for the hearing are posted on the City website:

Note that only the project hearing procedures apply to this hearing. The summary of the process is on page 13 of Attachment A, page 17 overall.

SHO Board