The 60% plans can be seen on-line as a 135-page PDF. The link to this file is:


The first page (sheet G1) has an overall map of the project. It is divided into “stations”, STA 283 to STA 468, from south to north. If you expand the image you can find a station number closest to your property, which you can use to zero in on your property on other maps. Sheet G3 has an expanded view of the same thing.

The Index to Drawings on page 2 (sheet G2) shows the different kinds of maps and drawings. Use that to guide you in finding the various kinds of information contained in the document. This page also defines abbreviations used on other pages.

Sheet G4 is a legend that defines various symbols used on the drawings.

The house numbers run from south to north as you progress down in each section of the file.

The centerline of the paved trail is to be shifted from that of the interim trail in many areas. The Existing Conditions (EX) section contains the only drawings that show alignment between the existing trail and the proposed improved trail. You should start here to be able to understand where the proposed trail will be located.

The Plan and Profile (AL) section shows what will be constructed and to some extent what will be destroyed. The line marked “CG” is the clearing and grubbing line, which is where the county intends to run equipment during construction. Anything trail side of this line may be destroyed.

Finally, the Landscaping Plan (LA) near the end of the file shows areas for wetland buffer enhancement, wetland buffer additions, shoreline setback enhancements, wetland creation or restoration, wetland enhancements, stream buffer enhancements, and seeding for removed driveways. All of these may affect your property.

SHO recommends that you examine each section of the file and then email specific comments to Lindsey Ozbolt, the city staff person responsible for the ELST, at:

Recommendations to rectify the impacts to your property may be helpful.

The public comment period ends on January 27.

SHO Board